I didn’t know that an animal faeces can augment the quality of coffee. Can you imagine? I was surprised to know that. This animal Luwak, Asian name of Civet eats coffee cherries. The pulp is digested by Luwak and coffee beans get fermented inside this animal and their properties are enhanced as some enzymes seep in seeds of coffee. The fermented coffee seeds have multiple health benefits like they are anti bacterial. Luwak coffee keeps your teeth clean and if taken regularly, can help avoid oral cancer, helps in diabetes, prevents neurological disorders. So yes, Luwak faeces have enhanced coffee beans.
We had gone to a place called ‘I love Bas’.
This place is known for Luwak coffee.
My colleagues tried this coffee and liked it.The Place has a nice ambiance. The whole area was lush green.
I loved the rustic ambiance of the restaurant amongst greenery. The area reminded me of Mauritius and Kerala although the vegetation can be different. But I could feel the same freshness and moisture in the air. It was lovely.
There were few heart shaped platforms.
Couples must go there and capture memories.
Luwak coffee is very expensive due to the procedure of its production. After the scat of Luwak, coffee beans are cleaned and roasted then it is used as the normal coffee.
There are many discussions around regarding the quality of Luwak coffee.

Coffee beans from Luwak faeces
Naturally produced fermented coffee seeds versus caged Luwak coffee production. Argument says that coffee beans produced by Luwaks roaming in natural environment is much better as compared to Luwaks produced coffee that are caged and only fed with coffee beans.
The place has a retail shop with a vast variety of coffee.
They sell other variety of coffee as well. This place is worth going and understanding the procedure. Have a cup of coffee and see how different is coffee from coffee produced from Luwak faeces.
Nidhi KM
© Viharin.com ®
I had read about this coffee somewhere. Honestly, it is offputting for me. I’m a tea lover. 🙂
Wow! Coffee fermented by luwak! Never heard about it! Does it taste the same? So excited to know more and more about it ????
I learned about Luwak faeces coffee couple of years ago while watching National Geographic. And could not believe my eyes & ears… lol
But world is full of bizzare things, so why not faeces coffee 😉 the forced production goes the same KFC way, human greed knows no barriers.
This beautiful locations and luwak coffee both sounds sp fun and interesting to me. Have to give this a shot
Seems like the place is worth going. I am a true coffee lover and would live to visit this place
Loving the range of their coffee’s thanks for sharing!