In today’s world, all ages try and enjoy ! Not only they want to have a day outing but also a weekend celebration! So, although these amusement parks being mainly for kids, all age groups love such adventure. We are listing below
Top amusement parks in and near Delhi for children
- Adventure Island in Rohini- a combination of Mall, water rides, magician shows, rain dance, thrilling rides,swings and games. One can easily spend a full day and yet not complete it.
Swing at Adventure Island Amusement Park
- Appu Ghar- Existing since more than 20 years, this amusement park has now shifted from Pragati Maidan to Gurgaon. Free fall slide which has a fall at 90 degrees is a must experience for people who do not have heart and other problems
- Children’s park- The most affordable or rather free of cost for kids who want fun but to a limited extent like newbies can enjoy this park that is full of manual swings. Amidst greenery and nature, this park is for kids enjoyment without any cost
- Fun and food village- existing since more than a decade this place lures all ages. It has amazing water rides and slides and exciting swings that will get you adrenaline rush. Don’t forget to have fun with food there. It is located at Old Delhi Gurgaon Road, Kapshera, New Delhi.
- Just Chill water Park- located near main GT Karnal road, this water park calls for unlimited fun with its rides of water and amusement.
- Jurasik Park- As the name suggests, life size models of Dinasaurs of different breeds scare kids around with their roars and dwindling heads. Not only 21 rides but also rides that make you lost in the world call for weekend getaways as the facility also offers accommodation. It is at GT Karnal Road, NH1 near Omaxe City
- Splash- as the name suggests invites kids and families for its unstoppable and unforgettable experience of water and amusement rides. It’s located near Jahangir Puri Metro station
- Wet n Wild- if you want to go wild with amusement and have a complete experience, visit this place for two days and you will love its swings and rides. With a plenty of food options and unique rides, this park is worth visiting! Address- 45 Milestone, Naurangpur, Sector 78, N.H.-8, Jaipur Highway, Gurgaon
- Worlds of wonder – one of the largest amusement parks in Asia, Worlds of wonder is a must visit. Having divided into teen and family zone, this park calls for attention. It is located at Sector-38 A, Entry from Gate No. 11, Adjacent The Great India Place Mall, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
Nidhi KM
Is Appa ghar still open? I remember it used to be the highlight of our Delhi trips as kids.
Appu That has shifted from Delhi to Gurgaon. I am sire, it must be a great attraction for kids.